Saturday, May 17, 2014

Heaphey concerned by proposed closure of childcare centre.

éirígí candidate for Beaumont/Donaghmede Ciaran Heaphey has said he is concerned by a recent revelation that a in house child minding facility in the Darndale/Belcamp centre may need to close due to a lack of funds.
The childcare centre combines as both a crèche and an after school care service for around 260 local children living in the immediate area.
Centre manager Kelda Barnes was quoted recently that even with fundraising days, increasing fees for the parents using the centre long with pay cuts to staff that they have now run out of all viable options.Kelda Barnes said they are now requesting immediate aid from the government to continue the day to day running of the centre.
The parents availing of this service have been given the warning that unless the government step in and resolve the issue by restoring funding to the much needed community service that it will be forced to close leaving children and parents stuck in a horrible situation.
The majority of parents availing of the centre have said that the closure would leave them stuck between giving up their jobs or education in order to look after their young.
The centre has come to this drastic decision because of the nonstop cuts being applied by the 26 county Government. Over the last five years it is estimated the centre has seen it funds slashed by 300,000 with it now requiring 200,000 immediately just to keep it going until the end of this year.  
éirígí Spokesperson Ciaran Heaphey commented on the announcement saying “The closure of this centre would a massive loss for the parents and children in this community which goes without saying. The amount of local people employed in the centre along with the massive numbers of parents availing of this to hear it is closing really is worrying for me.”
Heaphey continued “The fact the staff have gone to great lengths through staff wage reductions to a massive fundraising campaign in recent years just to keep it open is a credit to them now it is time for the Labour/Fine Gael coalition to step up to the mark. Here we have a vital resource for the community now resting on the good will of lackeys in Leinster House like newly appointed minister of children Charlie Flanagan of Fine Gael to provide 200,000 which is not an encouraging sign at all. I vow to support the workers’ and residents availing of the centre any way I can in the coming days and weeks.”

Monday, May 5, 2014

Water Meter Resistance in Dublin North East.

Over recent days resistance to the installation of water meters has escalated dramatically in the Twenty-Six Counties. The wave of protests began in the Ashbrook Heights estate in Togher in Cork City early last week when residents blocked Irish Water contractors from installing water meters in their estate. Despite threats of arrest and prosecution from the Gardaí and physical assault by Irish Water contractors the residents have now remained firm in their opposition for two full weeks. All of those involved in the Ashbrook blockade are due great thanks from the people of Ireland.
Ciaran Heaphey with local residents in Kilbarrack
Day 1 – Wednesday, April 23
On Wednesday April 23rd the protests spread to Raheny in Dublin 5 when ‘Dublin Says No’ activists working with local residents blocked Irish Water from installing meters. Contractors responded to the protest with abuse and thinly veiled threats.
Day 2 – Thursday, April 24
Protest spread to Watermill Road and Station Road in Raheny following request from local resident. Works are again stopped with residents and Dublin Says No activists peacefully surrounding Irish Water vehicle, temporarily preventing it from being used in installation activity elsewhere.
Day 3 – Friday, April 25
Day begins with ongoing protest on Station Road. Motorists and pedestrians alike provide continuous support to the protest. éirígí activist from Coolock area join protest in solidarity with Raheny community. As day progressed word comes through of Irish Water attempting to install meters in Edenmore Crescent. In a tactic that has since been often repeated protesters form a ‘flying column’ and headed for Edenmore.
As Irish Water workers attempted to begin works they were met by a peaceful blockade which prevented them from continuing. As residents began to realise what was afoot they poured onto the street – to join the protest. Young and old alike together in opposition t to the unjust water tax and in defence of Ireland’s natural resources.
An RTÉ Radio 1 reporter who was in the area to cover the upcoming local elections, were unable to ignore the protests. A number of local residents and activists, including éirígí’s Ciaran Heaphey, were interviewed about the protests giving the cause much needed state-wide publicity.
At the height of the Edenmore protest up to 60 people stood shoulder to shoulder against Irish Water and the future privatisation of Ireland’s water supplies.
Day 5 – Sunday, April 27
As éirígí member, who has been made aware of Irish Water’s plans to begin Water Meter installation in Briarfield Road in Kilbarrack during the following week, begins knocking doors encouraging residents of that road to join a protest when Irish Water arrive.
Day 6 – Monday, April 28
Following the weekend break the good citizens of Edenmore are back on their streets to prevent Irish Water from carrying out any works. Protests in Donaghmede and Raheney also continue with the game of cat and mouse that is developing between protesters/communities and Irish Water contractors.
Resistance in Edenmore
Day 7 – Tuesday, April 29
Residents of Briarfiled Road step up to the mark and block Irish Water from installing any further meters at about 9am. Residents from Edenmore make their way to Kilbarrack in a show of working class solidarity. Activists from éirígí, Dublin Says No, SWP, SP, SF and the RNU all providing support to community-led demonstrations across multiple sites in the Dublin 5 areas of Raheny, Edenmore, Donaghmede and Kilbarrack. Reports of other areas across the Capital getting ready for the fight back continue to grow.
Day 8 – Wednesday, April 30
As news comes through of Irish Water contractors injuring a protester in Cork the protests continue across Dublin 5. National media coverage of the protests is increasing as the spontaneous community mobilisations become too big to ignore. Kilbarrack residents march Irish Water contractors out of their area, along with their Garda minders. Word coming in off protests and planned protest in the Royal County.
Day 9 – Thursday, May 1
Irish Water think the better of going into Kilbarrack again. Edenmore and Kilbarrack residents working more closely together, exchanging phone numbers and social media contacts. The mood is close to electric. People power in action. News comes through that residents in Clarehall have come out, apparently without any prior organisation or outside assistance, to block Irish Water.
Day 10 – Friday May 2
Irish Water appear to have withdrawn from Kilbarrack, Edenmore and Donaghmede. Works in the Woodbine Estate in Raheny are stopped following protests.
The diary above shows what people power can achieve. While political activists played a role in Cork and in Dublin they could not, and did not, stop Irish Water without the active support of significant numbers of people from within the affected communities. Despite the widespread apathy and despair it is clear that the people of Ireland are not yet broken – that communities are still willing and able to fight against injustice.
Communities in Cork and in Dublin North East have shown the way with their active blockades of Irish Water’s efforts to install meters in their areas. Over the coming days and weeks it must be hoped that other communities will follow their lead.
For our part we in éirígí stand full-square behind any community that is willing to resist any aspect of the austerity policies of the Leinster House and Stormont regimes. We believe that people power can triumph through the intelligent and strategic use of the available means including protests, industrial action, direct action, civil disobedience, elections and boycott.
If you are interested in opposing Water Meter installations in your area feel free to contact us at and we’ll help you in whatever way we can.
- See more at:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ciaran Heaphey éírígí Election Launch. 28/04/14, Kilmore.

Some photo's from last night's successful election launch for éirígí candidate Ciaran Heaphey held in the Kilmore West community centre. 

The launch which was attended by up to 35 supporters living in the Beaumont/Donaghmede area. The proceeding's began with éirígí chairperson Brian Leeson who explained how éirígí were formed in 2006 and the reasons behind the formation before introducing local election candidate Ciaran Heaphey to the crowd.

Heaphey explained the purpose behind contesting the local elections also outlining the reason's why no party can change the system and the need for community's around the state to get mobilized stating a recent example in Edenmore.

Local resident's of Edenmore Heaphey said were opposed to the water tax and rather then standing by went out and halted work to install the meters to household's in the area stating this is exactly what needs to happen in every community in the fightback against austerity. 

The hugely successful meeting was ended with a short Q and A between the speaker's and attendee's.

Commenting after the meeting Heaphey said "With so little time to go before polling day I think tonight's meeting was a very important chance to speak to supporters and put across our motives for running the local elections this year."

Heaphey continued "It was great to see so many new faces in the crowd who have clearly became disillusioned with the lackey parties of yesterday who's only concern is getting a seat in the upcoming election. A lot resident's have told me their anger with the mainstream political parties for the way they think they can parade in to area's around elections in a bid to win seats."

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Resist the Water Tax.

Local Edenmore Residents, éirígí's Ciaran Heaphey, Bernie Hughes (UL Finglas) & Dublin Says No activists were involved in blocking Irish Water putting water meters in Edenmore last Friday the 25th.

 Well done to the Edenmore Residents, showing the way in fighting the Water Tax.

Election Launch in Kilmore 28th April 2014.

Ciaran Heaphey's Election Launch will take place tomorrow Monday the 28th in the Kilmore West Community Centre, Kilmore at 7.30pm. 

All our welcome to attend.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Proven Track Record Of Community Campaigning

A Proven Track Record Of Community Campaigning

Over the last five years Ciaran Heaphey and other éirígí activists have been involved in a wide range of community-based campaigns in Coolock, Donaghmede, Darndale, Edenmore and the rest of Dublin North-East. From fighting the unjust home and water taxes, to opposing the proposed Clonshaugh sewage plant and working with communities to tackle the plague of home burglaries éirígí activists have consistently backed the rights of our community. Now we are asking you to back us by voting for Ciaran Heaphey in May’s local election.

Here are just some of the issues that Ciaran Heaphey and éírígí have been actively working on. If you like what we’ve been doing make sure to vote for more of the same.

Fighting the Unjust Home and Water Tax: éirígí has already distributed tens of thousands of information leaflets opposing unjust home and water taxes to homes across the area. We have also organised community meetings and called protests outside of local Fine Gael and Labour party offices. The battle against both of these ‘Troika taxes’ continues with the new water tax set to be introduced in October 2014. Ciaran Heaphey knows that many families cannot afford to pay the estimated €350 a year for water, and he will be standing shoulder to shoulder with those families over the coming months and years.

Burglaries and Anti-Social Behaviour: Many parts of North East Dublin have seen a dramatic increase in home burglaries over the last couple of years. In response éirígí organised a series of very well attended public meetings. These meetings resulted in residents establishing their own neighbourhood watch projects in a number of areas. Ciaran Heaphey believes that many of the problems we face locally can be solved by citizens coming together. Together we are far stronger.

Opposing the Clonshaugh Sewage Plant: Fingal County Council’s decision to locate a massive sewage treatment plant in Clonsaugh has been met with widespread opposition. Ciaran Heaphey believes that the views of the local community need to be respected. He is already working with residents to help build a campaign of resistance to the Clonsaugh plant.

Fighting Against Evictions: éirígí believes that no family should face eviction as a result of inability to pay their mortgage or rent. There is always a better solution than removing people from their home. Over the last number of years éirígí have actively supported families who are facing
eviction. On a number of occasions our activists have helped physically prevent evictions from going ahead. Ciaran Heaphey is always available to anybody facing the threat of eviction.

The Stardust Memorial Park, Parking Congestion and the Dumping of Rubbish: Other campaigns that Ciaran Heaphey has organised or supported include the clean-up of The Stardust Memorial Park in Coolock, proper regulation of car parking in Beaumont and the removal of domestic rubbish dumped in Darndale.

Ciaran Heaphy has been a community and political activist for over twenty years. Throughout all of that time he has stood with working class communities as they battle against oppression, exploitation and injustice. As a socialist republican Ciaran believes that we need a new all-Ireland Republic that puts the needs of the people ahead of the greed of the corrupt bankers, developers and politicians. He also understands that change must happen at a local level before it can happen at a national level. On May 23rd vote for change, vote for a new voice in Dublin City Council. Vote Ciaran Heaphey.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Beaumont Hospital Needs Proper Funding Now!

Ciaran Heaphey has called for Beaumont Hospital to be immediately provided with the funding it needs to provide appropriate and timely healthcare to all of its patients. Heaphey made his comments as the latest ‘Trolley Watch’ data shows that large numbers of patients are routinely left waiting on hospital trolleys and chairs due to the lack of proper beds in Beaumont.

Hundreds Wait on Trolleys
The ‘Trolley Watch’ figures, which are compiled by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, show that hundreds of patients had to endure the indignity of lying on hospital trolleys during the first three months of 2014. On one day in January close to fifty people were left sitting on chairs, on trolleys, or beds in corridors and other unsuitable locations. Across these three months there was not a single reported day where Beaumont was able to provide a proper bed in an appropriate location for every patient. The chronic overcrowding that is being experienced in Beaumont Hospital is replicated in hospitals all across the state. Years of savage cutbacks that began following the bank bailout in 2008 have taken their toll on hospital staff, medical equipment and hospital buildings.

Staff Shortages Put Lives at Risk
It is a well-established fact that patients in appropriately staffed hospitals generally have better outcomes than patients in under-staffed facilities. In other words patients in under-staffed hospitals are more likely to suffer avoidable illness and premature death. In January of this year the Chief Executive Officer of the Health Service Executive was presented with a report which highlighted the difficulty that Beaumont is having in recruiting staff to key medical positions. Poor pay and working conditions in the public sector are causing many medical professionals to emigrate or go into the private sector. Speaking in relation to Beaumont Hospital éirígí local election candidate Ciaran Heaphey said, ‘As the main hospital serving North East Dublin, Beaumont should be going from strength to strength in providing world-class healthcare to all of its patients. Instead it is struggling to find beds for its patients and to find staff to fill vacancies. The experience of Beaumont demonstrates how years of under-funding can destabilize the very fabric of a hospital.

Cynical Undermining of Public Healthcare
Ciaran Heaphey continued, ‘To fully understand the situation in Beaumont we first have to understand that Fine Gael, Labour and their masters in The Troika are intend on privatising every aspect of healthcare across the state. For this to happen they must first run the public health service into the ground. And then the private sector will be able to step into the vacuum and make vast profits out of the suffering of our citizens.

The government are cynically undermining every aspect of the public health service and in the process they are playing fast and loose with people’s lives. They need to abandon all plans to privatise the health service and instead focus on providing an efficient public health service that will provide all citizens with top-class healthcare from the womb to the tomb. And they can start by providing Beaumont with the money it needs without delay.’

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fundraising raffle. 24th of April.

éirígí Dublin Northeast activists will be selling the below pictured raffle tickets over the coming weeks trying to to raise much needed funds in our push towards the local elections of 2014.

The draw will take place on the 24th of April with a price of 150 euro for first prize along with more cash prizes and even some Dublin tickets thrown in for fifth place.

If you are looking to purchase one contact us via our email éirígí, on our Facebook page or ask one of our activists in your area.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fundraising football tournament, Kilmore West community centre, 29/3/14.

Beaumont/Donaghmede Local election candidate Ciarán Heaphey presenting winning team captain 'Dangerous Dave' with a bottle of bubbly after today's election fundraiser. Great day in the Kilmore Centre with some fine footballing talent on display.

The local ciorcal team underperformed, with the Cabra team winning the tournament. Thanks to all the teams, especially Kevin and the lads from Tipperary! éirígí abú.

Ciaran Heaphey éirígí candidate in the Beaumont/Donaghmede area.

Ciaran Heaphey will be standing for election as the éirígí candidate in the Beaumont/Donaghmede area in the 2014 Local Election.

Ciaran, who has been active in Community and Republican politics for almost twenty-five years, has been the Chairperson of the local éirígí ciorcal (branch) for the last five years. 

During that time éirígí has been to the fore of the fight back against austerity, cutback and the new property and water taxes in Coolock, Artane, and Donaghmede.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Canvassing 15/3/14

éirígí Local Election Candidate Ciaran Heaphey, and Canvass Team again received a very positive response on Saturday at the doorsteps in Kilmore. Several Hundred homes were canvassed with many issues discussed. If you would like to support or help out with the éirígí Ciaran Heaphey Election Campaign, please message us on this Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

First day of canvassing, Saturday 8th March.

éirígí 2014 Local Election Candidate Ciaran Heaphey & Canvass Team received a very positive response on Saturday at the doorsteps in Kilmore. Hundreds of homes were canvassed with many local issues discussed.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ciarán Heaphey highlights savage cuts.

The present Fine Gael/Labour government bailed out corrupt Irish banks to the tune of billions of euro with Irish taxpayers money. The coalition government continues with the exact same toxic legacy of the previous Fianna Fáil government. 
Behind the spin and propaganda of the establishment parties and corporate media, the truth is that continued austerity measures are nothing more than a robbery, to pay for the rampant greed of bankers, developers and corrupt politicians. To date not one corrupt banker has been imprisoned. 
Hard to believe the so-called 'Labour Party' has been complicit in these savage policies on ordinary working people. 

Local government TDs such as Aodhán Ó Ríordáin (Labour) and Terence Flanagan (Fine Gael) take home over €100,000 a year of taxpayers' money, while implementing the robbery of the Irish people with lies and spin. Former corrupt politicians like Bertie Ahern take home a pension of over €140,000 a year of taxpayers' money.
Some of these austerity/robbery measures include
·         Cuts in Medical Cards
·         Cuts in Social Welfare Payments to Under 25s
·         Cuts in Telephone Allowance for Senor Citizens 
·         Increases in both Electric and Gas Prices
·         Future Water Taxes
·         Forcing the Unemployed to work for €1 an hour in the “Jobs Bridge” Scam
·         Rising Housing Crisis
Speaking about these cuts, éirígí 2014 Local Election Candidate Ciarán Heaphey said: ''éirígí has a proven track record of highlighting and fighting these cuts in this community. We will continue to work with communities and groups in resisting these savage austerity measures, which amount to nothing more than a robbery of the Irish people, to pay for the corruption of the privileged few.”
If there is an issue in your community you wish to discuss or highlight please feel free to contact us on the contact details provided.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Information stall Saturday 2/3/14

éirígí Dublin Northeast activists were out in huge numbers yesterday with one team holding our regular information stall at the Northside shopping centre and another team of activists out in Harmonstown. 

The information stall at Northside went down very well with the activists receiving a very positive response by the public. The second team of éirígí activists also received a great response whilst delivering our latest Poblacht na nOibrithe to thousands of homes in Hamonstown. 

Speaking afterwards Ciarán Heaphey said: ''Saturday was a very successful day for us. It is brilliant to be getting such a positive reaction to our information stall from the public and also to be able to spread the socialist republican message through the Beaumount/Donaghmede area. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Full support for airport workers !

éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciarán Heaphey has condemned the plot by the Fine Gael/Labour Government to break strike action at Dublin Airport by bringing in the 26-County army to replace striking workers.
SIPTU are currently in discussions over possible industrial action in a dispute over the pension plan at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority. Workers at both companies are outraged at the proposed cuts to their pension benefits.
With other trade unions and the ICTU now supportive of the proposal to down tools, there is now a co-ordinated campaign amongst the various trade unions to bring the bosses to the table.
The government coalition has responded to this not by trying to help the affected workers but instead ordered the 26-County army to be in position ready to intervene if the airports shut down.
By saying they will remove the fire service from the airport the trade unions have sent a strong message that they are serious. Without a fire service on the ground at the airport it would have no option but to shut down. The possible closure has worried the coalition in Leinster House who have advised the 26-County military to be ready to operate fire engines in a tactic to defeat the strike even though the air corps' fire crews have not received the training to run a civilian airport.
Commenting on the situation éirígí's Ciarán Heaphey has said, “This is a foul but unsurprising tactic being used by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition. The fact that the Labour Party are involved in trying to smash industrial action by concerned workers shows how far they are now disconnected from the working class.”
Heaphey continued, “The most important thing here is that the concerns of the workers at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority are addressed by management. There is also the worrying scenario if the 26-County army are placed into the airport during the dispute that they are not trained to the level needed for a civilian airport. I would like to take this chance to encourage the workers to keep up their fight for full pension benefits.”

Election Fundraiser, Football Five a side. 29th March Kilmore West Community Centre.

Poblacht na nOibrithe éirígí Dublin Northeast.

Our latest Poblacht na nOibrithe is now uploaded to the Irish election literature blog, massive thanks to them for uploading it. Follow the link below for a look.

Spreading the message in Donaghmede.

éirígí Dublin Northeast activists were out and about in Beaumont/Donaghmede on Saturday the 22nd February spreading the socialist republican message. 

One team done the Moatview/Belcamp areas with our anti-Burglary leaflet while another team delivered our latest Poblacht na hOibrithe in the Foxhill Estate, Donaghmede. 

Speaking afterwards Ciarán Heaphey said: ''Large areas are being covered every week by our members and supporters. The socialist republican message is getting into every corner of the constituency ahead of May's local elections.''

éirígí abú

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day of action in Beaumont/Donaghmede

On Saturday 16th February éirígí Dublin Northeast members were hard at work. The day began with members delivering leaflets to residents in the Coolock Village area before organising our regular information stall at the Northside Shopping Centre.
The information stall received a strong response from locals who were eager to speak to members on issues from the water tax to the planned sewage plant in Clonshaugh.
After the stall activists attended our water tax protest at the Artane Roundabout. The protest was held to highlight the anger in the Northeast area towards the implementation of the water tax.

The protest received a good reaction from the public. A lot of passers by shouted and beeped from their cars in support of the action.
Reflecting on Saturday's events, éirígí Local Election Candidate Ciarán Heaphey said: “Saturday was a great success. It was great to get so many activists out and get the Socialist Republican message to so many local residents throughout the day in the Beaumont/Donaghmede constituency.”
Heaphey continued: “The protest gave us an opportunity to highlight the soon to be introduced water meters and the contempt in the surrounding working-class areas for the water tax. The public anger with the water tax could be clearly seen with the majority of the public who witnessed the protest showing solidarity and support towards our activists.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

éirígí Dublin Northeast Anti-Water Tax Protest.

éirígí Dublin Northeast will hold a protest against the water tax at 1pm on Saturday the 15th of February. The protest will take place on the Artane Roundabout, Malahide Road and all are welcome to attend.

With the fast approaching installation of the water meters for most. This protest is the time for the locals who disagree with the Fine Gael/Labour collation decision to introduce the charge to voice their anger.

Speaking ahead of the protest éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciaran Heaphey said "This protest is just one opportunity for the residents in the large Dublin Northeast area to show their anger and disgust towards the incoming tax."

Heaphey continued saying "I would urge any member of the local community who is angered by the introduction of the water tax to join éirígí Dublin Northeast on the Artane Roundabout on Saturday and show a united community resistance to these water charges."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Leafleting in Ardmore.

Members and supporters of eirigi Dublin Northeast out on Wednesday 4th February in the Ardmore Estate. 
Local election candidate Ciaran Heaphey said afterwards: ‘The socialist republican message is being spread widely throughout Beaumont/Donaghmede. In the run up to the elections we will be re-doubling our efforts in spreading our political alternative.’

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New local leaflet highlighting concern with dumping and potholes in Kilmore.

A new local leaflet addressing two separate concerns of the local people in Kilmore has be drawn up and is ready to be distributed to the area's affected.

The leaflet highlights the danger with asbestos dumping on Castletimon Green and the need for it to be removed immediately and also the issue with the severe state of the roads in Kilmore at present due to major potholes.

éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciaran Heaphey has contacted Dublin City Council in regards the issue to highlight the concerns of the local community.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Local Leaflet drops.

We are at present distributiing 16,000 copies of our latest newsletter Poblacht na nOibrithe, along with hundreds of localised leaflets throughout Beaumont/Donaghmede on issues affecting the community. 

We have two or three leaflet drops a week along with canvasses and stalls. If you would like to help out and play your part in the fightback contact us on this page or tel Dublin Northeast rep Ciaran Heaphey on 086-0595661. 

Beir Bua

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Election fundraiser Friday 24th Liz Delaney's, Northside Shopping Centre.

New Poblacht na nOibrithe for Dublin Northeast.

Dublin Northeast activists busy in the community.

éirígí Dublin Northeast activists have been busy during these first weeks of 2014. Dublin Northeast activists have delivered thousands of our new Poblacht na nOibrithe to local residents. The leaflet gives a run down of burglaries in the Coolock area and how éirígí members helped the community organise a resistance to the break ins along with highlighting the negatives of the proposed Clonshaugh sewage plant. 

The activists have also held another very successful information stall at our usual location of Northside shopping centre. 

Speaking in relation to the information stall éirígí representative Ciaran Heaphey said “Our latest Poblacht na nOibrithe highlights some of the major issues effecting our Communities. We look forward to working with communities on these & other issues over the coming months. éirígí is ready to stand with communities that are standing up for their rights, against big business & bullying governments.”