Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Full support for airport workers !

éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciarán Heaphey has condemned the plot by the Fine Gael/Labour Government to break strike action at Dublin Airport by bringing in the 26-County army to replace striking workers.
SIPTU are currently in discussions over possible industrial action in a dispute over the pension plan at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority. Workers at both companies are outraged at the proposed cuts to their pension benefits.
With other trade unions and the ICTU now supportive of the proposal to down tools, there is now a co-ordinated campaign amongst the various trade unions to bring the bosses to the table.
The government coalition has responded to this not by trying to help the affected workers but instead ordered the 26-County army to be in position ready to intervene if the airports shut down.
By saying they will remove the fire service from the airport the trade unions have sent a strong message that they are serious. Without a fire service on the ground at the airport it would have no option but to shut down. The possible closure has worried the coalition in Leinster House who have advised the 26-County military to be ready to operate fire engines in a tactic to defeat the strike even though the air corps' fire crews have not received the training to run a civilian airport.
Commenting on the situation éirígí's Ciarán Heaphey has said, “This is a foul but unsurprising tactic being used by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition. The fact that the Labour Party are involved in trying to smash industrial action by concerned workers shows how far they are now disconnected from the working class.”
Heaphey continued, “The most important thing here is that the concerns of the workers at Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority are addressed by management. There is also the worrying scenario if the 26-County army are placed into the airport during the dispute that they are not trained to the level needed for a civilian airport. I would like to take this chance to encourage the workers to keep up their fight for full pension benefits.”

Election Fundraiser, Football Five a side. 29th March Kilmore West Community Centre.

Poblacht na nOibrithe éirígí Dublin Northeast.

Our latest Poblacht na nOibrithe is now uploaded to the Irish election literature blog, massive thanks to them for uploading it. Follow the link below for a look.


Spreading the message in Donaghmede.

éirígí Dublin Northeast activists were out and about in Beaumont/Donaghmede on Saturday the 22nd February spreading the socialist republican message. 

One team done the Moatview/Belcamp areas with our anti-Burglary leaflet while another team delivered our latest Poblacht na hOibrithe in the Foxhill Estate, Donaghmede. 

Speaking afterwards Ciarán Heaphey said: ''Large areas are being covered every week by our members and supporters. The socialist republican message is getting into every corner of the constituency ahead of May's local elections.''

éirígí abú

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day of action in Beaumont/Donaghmede

On Saturday 16th February éirígí Dublin Northeast members were hard at work. The day began with members delivering leaflets to residents in the Coolock Village area before organising our regular information stall at the Northside Shopping Centre.
The information stall received a strong response from locals who were eager to speak to members on issues from the water tax to the planned sewage plant in Clonshaugh.
After the stall activists attended our water tax protest at the Artane Roundabout. The protest was held to highlight the anger in the Northeast area towards the implementation of the water tax.

The protest received a good reaction from the public. A lot of passers by shouted and beeped from their cars in support of the action.
Reflecting on Saturday's events, éirígí Local Election Candidate Ciarán Heaphey said: “Saturday was a great success. It was great to get so many activists out and get the Socialist Republican message to so many local residents throughout the day in the Beaumont/Donaghmede constituency.”
Heaphey continued: “The protest gave us an opportunity to highlight the soon to be introduced water meters and the contempt in the surrounding working-class areas for the water tax. The public anger with the water tax could be clearly seen with the majority of the public who witnessed the protest showing solidarity and support towards our activists.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

éirígí Dublin Northeast Anti-Water Tax Protest.

éirígí Dublin Northeast will hold a protest against the water tax at 1pm on Saturday the 15th of February. The protest will take place on the Artane Roundabout, Malahide Road and all are welcome to attend.

With the fast approaching installation of the water meters for most. This protest is the time for the locals who disagree with the Fine Gael/Labour collation decision to introduce the charge to voice their anger.

Speaking ahead of the protest éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciaran Heaphey said "This protest is just one opportunity for the residents in the large Dublin Northeast area to show their anger and disgust towards the incoming tax."

Heaphey continued saying "I would urge any member of the local community who is angered by the introduction of the water tax to join éirígí Dublin Northeast on the Artane Roundabout on Saturday and show a united community resistance to these water charges."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Leafleting in Ardmore.

Members and supporters of eirigi Dublin Northeast out on Wednesday 4th February in the Ardmore Estate. 
Local election candidate Ciaran Heaphey said afterwards: ‘The socialist republican message is being spread widely throughout Beaumont/Donaghmede. In the run up to the elections we will be re-doubling our efforts in spreading our political alternative.’

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New local leaflet highlighting concern with dumping and potholes in Kilmore.

A new local leaflet addressing two separate concerns of the local people in Kilmore has be drawn up and is ready to be distributed to the area's affected.

The leaflet highlights the danger with asbestos dumping on Castletimon Green and the need for it to be removed immediately and also the issue with the severe state of the roads in Kilmore at present due to major potholes.

éirígí Dublin Northeast representative Ciaran Heaphey has contacted Dublin City Council in regards the issue to highlight the concerns of the local community.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Local Leaflet drops.

We are at present distributiing 16,000 copies of our latest newsletter Poblacht na nOibrithe, along with hundreds of localised leaflets throughout Beaumont/Donaghmede on issues affecting the community. 

We have two or three leaflet drops a week along with canvasses and stalls. If you would like to help out and play your part in the fightback contact us on this page or tel Dublin Northeast rep Ciaran Heaphey on 086-0595661. 

Beir Bua