Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Coolock Remembers the 1916 Rising

Since 1916, Easter has been an important period for Irish republicans at home and overseas. It is then that republicans remember and honour all of the men and women who have given their lives in the struggle for national liberation. This Easter marks the 97th anniversary of the Rising and like every year it will be marked with hundreds of commemorative events across the island.
Over the last week éirígí activists in Coolock have been hard at work erecting posters and banners of Jim Larkin, James Connolly as well as the Easter Lily around the local area. These posters and banners are designed to encourage the local community to remember Ireland’s patriot dead with pride. Activists have also distributed copies of the Spring edition of éirígí’s Poblacht na nOibrithe newsletter to more than 5,000 homes throughout the Coolock and Darndale areas over the same period.
Honour Ireland's dead, wear an Easter lily
This year éirígí Coolock have organised a public meeting on the subject of “Dublin and the 1916 Rising”. The meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Monday, March 25 in the Kilmore West Community Centre in Coolock.
Speaking from Coolock, éirígí’s Dublin North-East spokesperson Ciaran Heaphey said, “Easter is an important time for Irish republicans around the world who wish to remember the brave martyrs of 1916 and all those who have fought and died for Irish freedom. Like many working class areas in this city, Coolock has a long tradition of republicanism which the people of this area are rightly proud of.
Distributing 'Poblacht na nOibrithe'
“The response that our activists have received when erecting posters and banners or selling Easter lilies confirms that the people of Coolock remain deeply committed to the ideals of the 1916 Rising.”
Heaphey continued, “This year éirígí in Coolock are organising a public talk about the Rising which will include a slide show and contribution from a local historian. In organising this meeting we are hoping to provide people with an opportunity to find out more about the Rising and those who took part in it. I would encourage people from the area and further afield to come along to what promises to be a very interesting event.”